![]() There is so much more to The Weatherbies than the lovely character pictures that you see in the book. I've created the stories to include lots of good messages to help our children through life. Including positivity, recycling, healthy living, strong friendships, team work and energy saving. When creating The Weatherbies my aim was to entertain children and help them make a connection with the environment in which they live. Worldwide, the weather is a daily talking point. Children everywhere see, feel, enjoy and sometimes fear it. The Weatherbies personalize the weather, giving children a fun, relevant, immediate and meaningful connection to their environment and a desire to make things better. Here is some more information on the good messages in my stories. Positive Messages Through exciting stories with fun character’s the children will get to know and understand the importance of having a happy outlook on life. My goal is to deliver positive messages throughout the Weatherbies stories and show children things they can do every day to help their environment and create strong friendships. Strong Friendships The Weatherbies have a positive outlook on life and are always ready to help their friends. They are colorful quirky little characters with their own unique behavior and personality that relates to their identity as weather elements. Through the stories we see how the weather elements work on their own and together by their actions. E.g. Sammy Sun radiates a warm glow and dries up the puddles making Colin Cloud expands in size. When Colin Cloud is too full his good friend Ronny Rain turns on a rain shower reducing Colin Clouds size and watering the plants at the same time. The Weatherbies like to share and help each other every day while they work and play. It is very important to them that everyone joins in and no one feel left out. The Weatherbies all have different strengths and weakness but they use their strengths to help each other out. In Skytown everyone is equal. Team Work The Weatherbies have fun finding adventures in everyday situations, through their interaction with each other around Skytown. They work together to solve whatever problem is presented to them in their daily lives. Recycling There is a recycling yard in Skytown and Rosie Rainbow is always showing her friends how to reuse and recycle the things they do not use any more. They have lots of fun coming up with new ideas of how to reuse the bits and pieces they find in the recycling yard. Healthy Living They also grow their own fruit and vegetables and Mary Moon, (The grandmother figure of the group) is always creating lovely healthy meals for her friends. She shows them how to plant and look after the crops and they sometimes help her in the kitchen as she prepares a tasty meal for everyone. Energy Saving Tommy Thunder rumbles and grumbles as he reminds his friends not to waste power. The Weatherbies take great pride in creating their own power so Skytown is solar and wind powered by Sammy Sun and Willy Wind. The Weatherbies Stories I hope that children will enjoy reading about Skytown because it’s a colorful, fun, magical fantasy land where anything is possible and the Weatherbie characters because of the fun and excitement they have in every story. Some children might even take comfort from knowing they have friends in the sky. The fact that they can feel the weather around them will help them to bond with the characters. Parents can also talk about the characters to help comfort their children when they get frightened during storms. I hope that parents and children all have a positive experience getting to know the Weatherbies and reading my stories. Thanks Yvonne x
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![]() Hi my name is Yvonne Fleming and I am a wife, mother, childminder, aspiring to add children’s author to the list. My days are filled running a home and entertaining my sons and the other children I look after. I think I have the best job in the world as I look forward to getting up every morning to start the new day. Anyone who works with children will know how much fun it is and you always get a smile. I love being part of their journey through life and helping them and watching them grow as individuals. I have created The Weatherbies from a passion of doodling on paper. Art was my most enjoyable subject when I was at school and I’ve always found it very relaxing to sit down and let the creations in my head come out on paper. Whilst sitting in the garden colouring with the children on a sunny day I looked up at the sky and doodled on a piece of paper. As a child I loved watching the clouds and the shapes they made. I wanted to make the weather fun an interesting for the children I cared for so I did rough sketches of a few little weather characters and gave them names. I started making up little stories and called them The Weatherbies. All of a sudden I had a collection of Weatherbies characters and Sammy Sun, Ronny Rain, Flo Snow, Colin Cloud, Rosie Rainbow, Willy Wind, Barry Star, Harry Hail, Mary Moon, Tommy Thunder and The Lightning Twins were born. One night my husband Peter heard me telling my two beautiful sons a Weatherbies story as I put them to bed and said “I think you should do something with them!” So I started the process of developing the Weatherbies, typing up the stories, drawing the characters and I even bought every box of plastercine I could get my hands on and made a model of my little characters and “Skytown” the world in which they live. And after a lot of hard work in writing, editing and illustration over the last 6 months and a successful Kickstarter campaign, I am delighted to announce that I have created my first Weatherbies book! It is called Sammy Sun Is Coming Out To Play. This is the first of many Weatherbies stories that showcase my little Weatherbie characters going on adventures in Skytown. The stories are aimed at children aged 2 to 5 and are full of fun and colour, they are easy to read and fun for both children and adults alike. My personal aim is for The Weatherbies to make the weather come to life and make learning fun. So please enjoy my first story Sammy Sun Is Coming Out To Play Thanks Yvonne :) x |
CategoriesAuthorHi, my name is Yvonne Fleming and I am a wife, mother, childminder and aspiring to add children’s author to the list. ArchivesCategories |