![]() Hi my name is Yvonne Fleming and I am a wife, mother, childminder, aspiring to add children’s author to the list. My days are filled running a home and entertaining my sons and the other children I look after. I think I have the best job in the world as I look forward to getting up every morning to start the new day. Anyone who works with children will know how much fun it is and you always get a smile. I love being part of their journey through life and helping them and watching them grow as individuals. I have created The Weatherbies from a passion of doodling on paper. Art was my most enjoyable subject when I was at school and I’ve always found it very relaxing to sit down and let the creations in my head come out on paper. Whilst sitting in the garden colouring with the children on a sunny day I looked up at the sky and doodled on a piece of paper. As a child I loved watching the clouds and the shapes they made. I wanted to make the weather fun an interesting for the children I cared for so I did rough sketches of a few little weather characters and gave them names. I started making up little stories and called them The Weatherbies. All of a sudden I had a collection of Weatherbies characters and Sammy Sun, Ronny Rain, Flo Snow, Colin Cloud, Rosie Rainbow, Willy Wind, Barry Star, Harry Hail, Mary Moon, Tommy Thunder and The Lightning Twins were born. One night my husband Peter heard me telling my two beautiful sons a Weatherbies story as I put them to bed and said “I think you should do something with them!” So I started the process of developing the Weatherbies, typing up the stories, drawing the characters and I even bought every box of plastercine I could get my hands on and made a model of my little characters and “Skytown” the world in which they live. And after a lot of hard work in writing, editing and illustration over the last 6 months and a successful Kickstarter campaign, I am delighted to announce that I have created my first Weatherbies book! It is called Sammy Sun Is Coming Out To Play. This is the first of many Weatherbies stories that showcase my little Weatherbie characters going on adventures in Skytown. The stories are aimed at children aged 2 to 5 and are full of fun and colour, they are easy to read and fun for both children and adults alike. My personal aim is for The Weatherbies to make the weather come to life and make learning fun. So please enjoy my first story Sammy Sun Is Coming Out To Play Thanks Yvonne :) x
CategoriesAuthorHi, my name is Yvonne Fleming and I am a wife, mother, childminder and aspiring to add children’s author to the list. ArchivesCategories |